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ESL Program


North Lamar Independent School District
2024 ESL Summer School Information

North Lamar ISD will be offering a summer school program for English learners who are
interested in attending. The eligibility criteria is for English learners who will be eligible for
admission to kindergarten or first grade in the beginning of next school year and a mínimum of
10 students to enroll who must complete 120 hours of instruction for the program to fulfil its
requirements. This program is designed to help your child to continue in his/her development of
English language proficiency, literacy, and academic skills needed for success in school.
The summer school program will be held from June 3, 2024 to June 26, 2024. Classes will be
from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Parents must provide transportation for
thier child. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact or email Melissa LaVoy at
903-737-2003 ext. 1076 or at

Deadline for registration is MAY 17, 2024.


Distrito Escolar Independiente de North Lamar
Escuela de Verano de ESL 2024

North Lamar ISD ofrecerá un programa de escuela de verano para los estudiantes de inglés
que estén interesados ​​en asistir. El criterio de elegibilidad es para los estudiantes de inglés que
serán elegibles para la admisión al jardín de infantes o al primer grado al comienzo del próximo
año escolar y un mínimo de 10 estudiantes para inscribirse, quienes deben completar 120
horas de instrucción para que el programa cumpla con sus requisitos. Este programa está
diseñado para ayudar a su hijo a continuar en su desarrollo del dominio del idioma inglés,
lectoescritura y habilidades académicas necesarias para tener éxito en la escuela. 
 El programa de la escuela de verano se llevará a cabo del 3 de junio de 2024 al 26 de junio de
2024. Las clases serán de 8:00 am a 3:00 pm de lunes a viernes. Los padres deben
proporcionar transporte para su hijo. Se proveerá desayuno y almuerzo.     
 Para obtener más información o si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con o envíe un correo
electrónico a Melissa LaVoy al 903-737-2003 ext. 1076 o en 

La fecha límite para registrarse es el 17 de mayo

de 2024.

North Lamar ISD

English as a Second Language Program 

District ESL Coordinator

Melissa Lavoy





North Lamar ISD Vision

Empowering students for success by creating a learning environment that unlocks and develops each student's potential.  

Purpose of the ESL Program

The ESL program emphasizes the mastery of English language skills, as well as, mastery of mathematics, science, and social studies content, using research based methodologies appropriate for second language acquisition. 

ESL Mission Statement

The mission of North Lamar ISD's English as a Second Language Program is to meet the diverse educational and linguistic needs of all ELL students and ensure that they have a knowledge and skills necessary to lead productive lives as respectful, contributing citizens in our diverse society; as well as empower teachers and students through the alignment, equity and consistent implementation of ESL best practices. 

ESL Program Goals

  • Nurture self-pride and self-identity in each student's linguistic and cultural heritage.
  • Develop a strong support system offering opportunities across the curriculum to create an innovative school experience, teaching students to value their education and motivate them to achieve excellence.
  • Provide meaningful innovative instruction that promotes critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Provide non-native English speaking students of other languages with opportunities to become proficient in reading, writing, listening, and speaking the English language through the integrated use of second language methods and ELPS instruction.
  • Enable students to maintain skills in their primary language as well as develop skills in their secondary language, thus enabling them to function fully in the general academic program and in future occupational opportunities.
  • Promote acceptance of ESL instruction as an integral part of the whole school program that emphasizes the mastery of English language skills as well as academic achievement in Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. 

ESL Program Overview

North Lamar I.S.D.'s administration and staff are dedicated to serving the needs of all students who qualify for the ESL program.  In order to assure these students' needs are met, NLISD will continue having the NLISD ESL Coordinator and Instructional Coaches, in conjunction with Region 8 ESC consultants, train NLISD's teachers and principals to utilize ESL teaching strategies and implement the NLISD ESL program.  Trainings of this nature will help the regular classroom teachers understand the cognitive, linguistic, and cultural needs of their students.

  • In pre-kindergarten through grade 1, the ESL program implements the self-contained model.  The teachers are ESL certified, or are working to obtain ESL certification.
  • Grades 2-3, the English Language Arts and Reading teachers are ESL certified.
  • Grades 4-5, the English Language Arts and Reading teachers are ESL certified.  The Pull-Out Model is also utilized by ESL certified reading interventionists.
  • Grades 7-12 implement a self-contained class period, along with monitoring to serve ESL students.  Sheltered core area courses are becoming available to LEP students at the secondary level.
  • The ESL Coordinator as well as ESL teachers will continue to evaluate and assess students new to NLISD for initial placement in the appropriate academic setting.

ESL Certified Campus Teachers

Higgins Elementary

Kristen Blanton

Caitlyn Berry

Rainey Parson

Lindsay Owen

Karen Leonard

Theresa Morgan

Bailey Intermediate

Addy Johnson

Kim Lacey

Jaycie McEwin

Maureen Gordon

Toni Preston

Everett Elementary

Suzanne Culbertson

Stephanie Bishop

Melissa Albus

Stone Middle School

Chad Chalupa

Ashley McCormack

Jennifer Cone

Parker Elementary

Katie Briggle

Ashley Wilkerson

Olivia Dyck

North Lamar High School

Kristina Sons

Alyssa Withrow

Melissa Arnold 

Dr. Linda Winfrey


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District Calendar

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Current Weather

Current Condition: few clouds

Temperature: 61.9ËšF

Feels Like: 60.98ËšF

Wind Speeds: 9.48mph

Weather humidity: 68%

Chance of Precipitation: 0.14%

Contact Information

North Lamar Independent School District
3130 N Main
Paris, Texas 75460

Monday – Friday

7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.



Phone: 903-737-2000